Print an Assessment
  • 09 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Print an Assessment

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Article summary

Assessments (with printable question types) and answer keys can be printed.  To create multiple versions of the same test, simply re-order the questions before printing.

When printing, there are three settings options (English is the only language option):

1 - Show Name Label:  If selected, an area for name, class, and date will be included in the top left of the first page of the printed assessment.

2 - Show Tags/Objectives:  If selected, any objectives or other categories tagged to individual questions will be included on the printed assessment.

3 - Show Teacher Hint:  If selected, any suggested answers for non-autogradable questions (such as drawing or descriptive), along with any teacher hints added by the user, will be included on the printed assessment.

NOTE:  The QTI export feature is currently unavailable while being updated.