Print an Assessment
  • 12 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Print an Assessment

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Article summary

Assessments (with printable question types) and answer keys can be printed.  

Updated print feature (1/31/25):

Users can now create multiple versions of a printed assessment with a simple click.  Each version will contain a unique shuffling of questions, allowing teachers to provide different students different versions of the test and thus assisting with testing integrity.  

To access this feature, users should select the printer icon while viewing an assessment.  A print setting box will appear:

In addition, users can access previously created versions of assessments.  To access this feature, users should select the printer icon while viewing an assessment.  When the print setting box appears, the user should select the History tab.

NOTE:  The history section reflects the settings selected from the main print screen. For example, if a user would like the teacher hint included with the answer key, the user would want to select to create an answer key and then select the additional settings, such as including teacher hints, objectives, etc.  Trove will create the answer key AND a student copy – and both of these can be accessed from the history section. The answer key will have those selected options included.